Not Singing in the Rain
I wake up early again, but this time in the lovely home of the Matlacks. I’ve been here less than 24 hours, and already I’m “re-calibrated.” What I see falling from the sky outside my window, however, quickly throws me out of balance. Today’s segment will be very wet, but shorter than yesterday’s.
With less than a mile finished, I can now declare with certainty that I’m drenched. Question: why do totally dry drivers inside comfortable, climate-control cars never slow down when passing a totally soaked pedestrian? The Pass & Splash School of Driving warrants its own traffic violation.
When I see Trader Joe’s of Needham, I sneak in to deliver my potent message, rankling inside me for weeks now. Can they please call TJ’s of Media, PA and tell them that I made it to Boston despite the fact that they chose not to sponsor my walk? And be sure to tell them I’ve covered the promised 500 miles by some and did so in 39 days. So there! Did they think this old man incapable of “walking the talk” he originally proposed? Let it go, Asselin. It’s the rain talking, not you.
As I move forward, each drop of falling rain reinforces the deep sadness I carry today. But you’ve practically made it! I know, I know, but what about all those folks along the way I didn’t talk to about Nathaniel and his BDD? I could have spread even more awareness. Is it normal to overlook my obvious success and just dwell on regrets?
As I sit in a small café, I decide to eat two croissants (one almond, one plain), hoping this medicine will cure my darkness. Surprisingly, it does a little. Maybe a third would help even more. I don’t test the theory. But what really succeeds is an e-mail from my friend, Char, from Westtown. She must have intuited this near-the-end angst. Her words are comforting. So are Judy’s on the phone. Who says this is the end? Perhaps my arrival on Thursday will be only the beginning.
I finally arrive at the Hackneys in Newton, good friends of the family whose son Dan was Nathaniel’s best buddy since elementary school. My stay here will span two days, enough time to be thoroughly pampered by Rachael’s hospitality (especially her homemade pies–both of them–the sure cure for anyone who has stopped singing in the rain).
(Webmaster’s P.S. The media coverage is spreading! Check out these links to Newsday, The Daily Mail, International Business Times, and Yahoo News. And plenty of coverage is also circulating to publicize the rally when Denis finishes his walk on Thursday, June 7 at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park in Boston, 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. We hope you can come, and we also know that those of you who can’t will be there in spirit!)
One Response to June 02, 2012 Day 40 — Needham to Newton, MA (6.8 miles)